medical research

African American woman holding her belly fat considering exercise

Study reveals hidden benefits of belly fat

Research has challenged conventional wisdom about belly fat, revealing that regular exercise fundamentally changes how fat tissue functions in the body. Scientists conducted a groundbreaking


5 silent signs your body is masking pancreatic cancer

When Julia Thompson noticed persistent stomach pain last summer, she dismissed it as stress-related indigestion. Like many Americans facing similar symptoms, she tried over-the-counter medications

Alzheimer's, Parkinson's

A shocking link between gut bacteria and Alzheimer’s

A groundbreaking discovery has unveiled an unexpected connection between a common gut bacterium and the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, potentially reshaping medical understanding of this

90-30-50 diet, yeast infections, cravings

Foods that secretly encourage yeast infections

That morning pastry habit might contribute more to recurring infections than you realize. Medical professionals at Mayo Clinic note that high-sugar foods create perfect conditions

early ovary removal, heavy menstrual flow,

Early ovary removal linked to brain health

Recent research has uncovered concerning links between premenopausal bilateral oophorectomy and cognitive health. The study reveals that women who undergo ovary removal before age 40

salt nutrition, KIDNEY

Daily salt limits that could save your kidneys

The crystalline substance sitting innocently on dinner tables across America might be secretly undermining your health. While salt remains essential for life itself, medical research

heart attack

5 ways heart attacks harm Black women more

The story of heart disease in Black women reflects broader patterns of health inequality in America. Medical records reveal that cardiovascular problems strike earlier, hit


This weight loss drug reduces heart failure risk

A weight loss medication is showing remarkable promise in treating one of America’s most serious health conditions. New research reveals that Zepbound, already celebrated for