medical studies

at home hormone tests, therapy, mood

4 major heart benefits of hormone therapy

New research reveals compelling evidence that hormone replacement therapy may offer significant cardiovascular benefits for menopausal women. These findings emerge from a comprehensive analysis of

black Ameriacans, high blood pressure, heart

Why women get worse heart disease care than men

A troubling reality lurks within the halls of hospitals and medical practices across the globe: women with heart disease consistently receive different treatment than men

Calcium medications

Diabetes drugs slash heart attack risk remarkably

When researchers at Henry Ford Medical Center began examining medical records of over 7,000 stroke survivors, they discovered something extraordinary about common diabetes medications. Their

heart health

Heart health shocker for women on hormone therapy

Two groundbreaking studies presented at the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions in 2024 have revealed alarming connections between alcohol consumption and heart

cottage cheese

Ways cheese can help prevent sleep apnea

Ever felt guilty about that slice of cheese before bed? Well, science might just be on your side. A groundbreaking study published in Sleep Medicine