Nicki Minaj

Celebrities and their charities

We blast celebrities for their extravagant ways, but in light of the holiday season, we decided to list charitable celebrities who are making a difference

Celebrity wigs: Nicki Minaj vs. Katy Perry

Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry are two fashion-forward females, and no one changes hairstyles as much as they do. Nicki’s outrageous colors, and Katy’s fantasy

Why is hip-hop awaiting T.I.’s return?

T.I. has been slowly but surely returning to his former position on hip-hop’s A list over the past several months. But the reality shows and

Rappers with X-rated flicks

Home videos are no longer for the privacy of your home! In fact, they are just about the dirtiest and most popular PR move to

Alicia Keys warms hearts with ‘Girl on Fire’

Alicia Keys opens up with “De Novo Adagio,” meaning, “a slow start,” the slow-tempo, classical song perfectly describes Girl on Fire’s flow.  Girl on Fire, Alicia

How celebrities spent their Thanksgiving holiday

The Thanksgiving holiday traditionally symbolizes giving thanks and fellowshipping with family and friends. It’s the foray into the biggest holiday season of the year, which

The 10 most stylish rappers

The rap game has changed quite a bit over the last decade. While some choose to maintain a more hip-hop classic style, a new wave

Thanksgiving style stars

In addition to the spreads of food, tacky knit sweaters and holiday music streaming through the radio, Thanksgiving week brings out the stars. Check out