physical activity


5 serious causes of fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease has emerged as one of the most common liver conditions in the United States, affecting an estimated one in four Americans. Despite

workout keeps heart disease, exercise, gym

3 minutes a day keeps heart disease away

The battle against heart disease has found a new ally – the micro-workout. Recent research reveals that even minimal bursts of vigorous activity can significantly

career women stay single

Why high-achieving women stay single

The common narrative suggests that high-achieving women have it all – advanced degrees, thriving careers, financial independence, and strong self-awareness. Yet many of these accomplished

African American woman outside, getting ready to exercise

3 proven ways to make your brain crave exercise

Research reveals a striking discovery about the human brain and exercise motivation. Scientists have identified distinct patterns of electrical connectivity that separate individuals who eagerly

understanding obesity, and weight loss as chronic condition, diet

Understanding obesity as a chronic condition

Obesity extends far beyond carrying extra weight – it represents a chronic condition affecting millions globally. While temporary weight fluctuations are common, obesity presents a


Dementia breakthrough you can’t ignore

The landscape of dementia care is undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by groundbreaking research that positions physical activity as a powerful tool in extending life

physical activity and exercise for health

How physical activity strengthens memory

New research reveals a compelling link between physical activity and improved memory function. Findings published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity