relationship counseling

money, financial

Why financial discord drives wives to end marriages

Modern relationships face numerous challenges, but financial discord remains one of the most destructive forces in marriages today. Research shows that money conflicts create deeper


7 signals that your wedding fiancé might jolt you

Wedding planning should bring couples closer together, but sometimes it reveals underlying concerns. Understanding behavioral changes during this period helps couples address potential issues before

reproductive freedom

7 costs of not being in a happy relationship

When relationships lack fulfillment and joy, the impact extends far beyond emotional distress. Research shows that unhappy relationships affect mental health, physical well-being, and even


When unfaithful partners shift the blame

When relationships fracture due to infidelity, the aftermath often includes a pattern of excuse-making and blame shifting. Rather than accepting responsibility, unfaithful partners frequently attempt


Why your partner flirts with your friends

It can be unsettling and confusing to notice your partner flirting with your friends. This behavior not only sparks jealousy and insecurity but also raises


What to do when you’ve been dating too long

When relationships extend over a long period, partners may sometimes find themselves at a crossroads, questioning the future and assessing the vitality of their bond.


Why men use cheating to break up

When it comes to relationships, the act of cheating can be a heartbreaking and often bewildering experience for the affected partner. Particularly, when men use