reproductive health

Sexual health in adults

6 essential facts about sexual health every adult needs

Recent medical research emphasizes that sexual health extends far beyond disease prevention, encompassing physical, emotional, and social well-being. Understanding these components proves crucial for maintaining

rectal, 7 undetected stds

7 dangerous STDs without symptoms

The idea that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) always announce themselves with uncomfortable or visible symptoms is a dangerous misconception that health experts are working to

lady holding a menstrual cup

The dangers of menstrual cup no one talks about

Recent findings highlight critical safety concerns surrounding menstrual cups. While they are widely praised for sustainability and long wear time, improper use can lead to

emergency contraception

5 emergency contraception alternatives

The world of emergency contraception extends far beyond the familiar Plan B option that many people immediately think of when considering pregnancy prevention after unprotected

Black women IUDs, contraceptive

The hidden risk in your contraceptive choice

Hormonal intrauterine devices, or IUDs, have long been promoted as a reliable and convenient form of birth control. These small, T-shaped devices provide years of

orgasms, dryness

7 powerful ways to defeat vaginal dryness

The vagina maintains its moisture through a complex interplay of hormones and natural secretions. However, when this delicate balance is disrupted, dryness can occur, leading

hormonal birth control

What no one tells you about quitting birth control

The body, accustomed to external hormone regulation, must recalibrate its natural cycles. This transition can result in temporary irregularities, such as changes in menstrual cycles,


6 STDs that are commonly misdiagnosed

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) continue to pose significant diagnostic challenges for healthcare providers, often leading to delayed or incorrect treatments. The consequences of these misdiagnoses