

How self-friendship leads to lasting growth

In a world that increasingly values external validation, the notion of being your own best friend is a powerful concept gaining traction. With social media

low energy, body changes

Why regret drains your energy and holds you back

Regret silently creeps into our daily thoughts, influencing decisions and making us question our choices. While feeling remorse for past mistakes is natural, holding onto


How to forgive a friend you love

When a cherished friend hurts us, the path to forgiveness can feel particularly challenging. The depth of our care makes the pain more acute, yet


7 reasons not to say anything negative about yourself

The impact of self-talk extends far beyond momentary thoughts, influencing everything from daily decisions to long-term life outcomes. While casual self-criticism might seem harmless, research

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5 ways to deal with depression about being overweight

Carrying extra weight often leads to a complex emotional journey filled with self-doubt, frustration, and depression. These feelings extend beyond physical health concerns, intertwining with


How to cultivate 5 positive emotions within yourself

Developing and nurturing positive emotions can significantly impact your mental and physical well-being. While life’s challenges can sometimes make it difficult to remain positive, learning


4 reasons to seek help for childhood trauma

Childhood trauma is a deeply personal experience that can affect individuals well into adulthood. These early experiences — often involving emotional, physical or psychological harm