wellness tips

SPICY food

10 foods that melt away your sleep troubles

Getting quality sleep feels like mission impossible for millions of Americans who spend their nights counting sheep instead of catching z’s. While some people drift

Gen z, alcohol and liver problem,

The devastating impact alcohol has on your liver

Your body’s most hardworking organ never takes a break, especially when alcohol enters the system. The liver serves as your internal detoxification center, working tirelessly

foot pain Valsole

The rapid spread of foot fungus on your skin

Most people associate foot fungus with sweaty gym environments, but medical experts reveal this persistent infection has sneakier ways of spreading. Dr. Michael Thompson at

90-30-50 diet, yeast infections

Foods that secretly encourage yeast infections

That morning pastry habit might contribute more to recurring infections than you realize. Medical professionals at Mayo Clinic note that high-sugar foods create perfect conditions

salt nutrition, KIDNEY

Daily salt limits that could save your kidneys

The crystalline substance sitting innocently on dinner tables across America might be secretly undermining your health. While salt remains essential for life itself, medical research

tuberculosis, COUGHING, burping

That constant burping might mean cancer risk

That seemingly harmless burp after lunch might be trying to tell you something important. While everyone experiences an occasional belch after a fizzy drink or