Wu-Tang Clan

RZA denies owing dutch singer

Wu-Tang Clan superproducer RZA can’t seem to avoid lawsuits. In late 2012, a Dutch singer named Thea Van Seijen filed a lawsuit against the Wu

Method Man’s nude photos; Twitter reacts

Another day, another celebrity male’s uncensored  naked photos are leaked into cyberspace. This week it’s celebrated Wu Tang Clan member Method Man who got caught

Top hip-hop professors

Would you enroll in “The Sociology of Hip Hop: Jay-Z?” Of course you would, and many Georgetown students did when professor and author Michael Eric

15 Best Hip-Hop Debut Albums of All Time

Kendrick Lamar has released what some are considering a masterpiece with his debut album, “Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City.” His project will likely hold a spot

Jon Black Shares His Musical Evolution

Name: Jon Black Label: Orkestra Entertainment Years in the Business: Three What big-name artists have you worked with? I have opened up for hip-hop legends