Artist Greg Frederick Channels Andy Warhol and Notorious BIG With Vinyl Records

Artist Greg Frederick Channels Andy Warhol and Notorious BIG With Vinyl RecordsWebsite: Vinyl Pop
Facebook: Vinyl Pop Art
What can we expect at eMerge: Danny Simmons and Artists on the Cusp art show?
The space [Strivers Garden Gallery] is amazing. I am showing two pieces that I am excited about: Andy Warhol and Notorious BIG. Both are made out of broken vinyl records.
Tell us a little bit more about your inspiration for those pieces. They seem to be at two different extremes.
I chose Andy Warhol because he was an iconic pop artist. Notorious BIG because he is one of my favorites … Brooklyn born and I prefer depicting musicians since I am using vinyl.
What is your hometown?
I am from Phoenix. I lived in London for five years, attending art school, AIU, in West Hollywood for a couple of years and now New York. I love New York.
What did you study at AIU?
I decided to carve my own path because …
No one else can do it for me.
Most of my colleagues aren’t aware that …
I am constantly creating.
I most enjoy …
Creating … from photography and graphic design to art and websites.
The most profound quote I’ve heard is …
I don’t think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it by Keith Haring.
My proudest accomplishment to date is …
My first solo art show upcoming in Las Vegas throughout August at Get Up Gallery.
The best advice I’ve ever received …
Is from my friend Jack Dorshow who was friends with Andy Warhol and told me “Sell yourself as cheap as possible and basically give it away until people are tearing down your door to have a piece of your art.”
I wish I could meet or I wish I had met …
Courtney Love. I have always been a fan of hers, for 20 years now. Now that she’s doing art, I would love to pick her brain.
My friends back home in Arizona wouldn’t believe …
That I am having art show all around the world now.

Be sure to check out Greg Frederick’s work at “eMerge: Danny Simmons and Artists on the Cusp,” at Strivers Garden Gallery, July 12 to Sept. 7, 2012, in the heart of Harlem, N.Y.

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