The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans, is dismayed that Casey Anthony has been acquitted of murdering her daughter Caylee.
Here’s their press release statement:
Throughout the trial, shocking evidence has shed light on the dysfunctional parenting Casey exhibited throughout her daughter’s short life. Caylee’s tragic death has now been compounded with further tragedy as her murderer walks free. As humans we should be outraged, as Americans we should be disappointed that justice has not been achieved, and as Christians we mourn the loss of God given life. Caylee’s death sheds light on Casey Anthony’s moral deficiencies and illustrates the ineptitude of those charged with achieving justice. Caylee’s murderer walks free – a grievous perversion of justice.
The black church cries out for justice for not only Caylee Anthony, but all abused children. The black church and NBCI’s The Baby Fund has advocated for children for over 20 years. We have consistently criticized the Catholic Church’s continued sexual abuse, robbing children of their dreams. Our efforts to protect children are evident in our press release decrying the scandals plaguing the Catholic Church on our website at
Rev. Anthony Evans, president of NBCI continues, “This is a moral outrage. Who is responsible for Caylee Anthony’s death? Who will stand up on her behalf? The black church – we will be her voice, crying from the top of our lungs to insure that justice rolls down like water and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. We recommit ourselves to protect God’s precious children. The church cannot afford to fail.”
According to Child Help, a national child advocacy group, in 2009, approximately 3.3 million child abuse reports and allegations were made involving an estimated 6 million children. Additionally, a report of child abuse is made every ten seconds and almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse. More than three out of four of these murdered children are under the age of four. Like in the case of Caylee Anthony, 90% of child abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way; 68% are abused by family members. NBCI’s Baby Fund strengthens its resolve to stem the rising tide of abuse and neglect and recommits to advocating on behalf of children worldwide.