Life’s Spices from Seasoned Sistahs, published in 2005 is a literary anthology from Nubian Images Publishing Company. The book of inspirational stories is a compilation of submissions by women of color from every walk of life. It won the Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Award, the Los Angeles Black Book Expo’s Best Anthology, and The Independent Publisher Association’s Bronze Award.
Life’s Spices is popular with readers, and is used as a text in college courses, and the publisher is gearing up to release volume II, More of Life’s Spices, Sistahs Still Keepin’ It Real.
If you are, or know of, a writer between the ages of 40 and 80 whose work should be published in this upcoming book, the publisher has extended the submission deadline to Dec. 31, 2011.
You’ve experienced triumphant events, and those that boosted your self- esteem. Maybe you discovered your sexuality, found that soul mate, worked your way out of an abusive relationship, or found a new career. For More of Life’s Spices, Sistahs Still Keepin’ It Real, you may choose to describe an experience about living, loving, supporting, and nurturing your children, other women, your men, and family members, in dynamic, bold language that delivers the message, and touches hearts. Mature women have an abundance of life stories to share with women of all ages and cultures that demonstrate how the lives of women mirror each other all around the globe.
These events offer confirmation of the cycle of life. Our readers want to feel the emotions you experienced. Describe how you learned to budget and made substantial plans for your future; share your feelings of triumph healing from old hurts; share with other women when life-changing events occurred for you; taught you life lessons about love, forgiveness, friendship, life goals, values, and more. They may laugh, cry, or discover similar events in their own lives.
Categories include:
- family forgiveness
- surviving obstacles overcoming trauma
- hope triumphs
- life lessons faith
- maturing mothers
- teaching fathers
- love
Submission Guidelines: Send your best writing by the extended deadline Dec. 31, 2011. Scheduled publication for More of Life’s Spices, Sistahs Still Keepin’ It Real is scheduled for publication in 2012. Stories must be true and told in no more than 2,000 words. Short poetry is also welcome. Story submissions should be accompanied by a short bio, including website if applicable. Editorial committee will make final decision on selections for publication, and authors will be notified, and listed as contributing authors in final product. Each published author will also receive a copy of More of Life’s Spices, Sistahs Still Keepin’ It Real upon publication, and may receive discounts on additional copies ordered.
Do not send attachments. Copy and paste manuscript into an email and send to: [email protected], or [email protected] with Sistahs Keepin It Real on Subject line.