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nurture your body

While it’s commonly thought of as a leisurely indulgence for the rich and famous, massage therapy’s benefits are more advantageous than just a simple pastime. Through the ancient practice of manipulating the body’s tissues, you can treat diabetes, depression, back pain, arthritis and many other chronic ailments. 

Massage therapy dates back thousands of years and can be found in many ancient Egyptian and Persian writings. Hippocrates even recommended it for joint and circulatory problems. There are many forms of massage therapy. Many are advanced and require specialized rhythm and training and should only be performed by licensed practitioners such as chiropractors and physical therapists. Here a few of the more common techniques. 

Hot Stone Massage: Heated, 2–3 lb. stones are strategically placed on muscles and ‘energy points’ to relax muscles and increase blood flow, and then are glided over certain points. 

Thai Massage: One of the most soothing massages, this ancient therapy focuses on stretching the entire body through pulling limbs, ears, etc., and walking across the recipient’s back. This massage usually lasts up to 2 hours. 

Deep Tissue Massage: The most commonly requested. The focus is realigning deep layers of muscles and tissues. This is perfect for pack pain, stiff necks and tense/sore muscles. Although you may experience some discomfort at some points during the massage from the masseur using their elbows, knuckles and fingertips to manipulate your muscles, finally getting rid of the pain in your neck will be well worth it. 

So, the next time you ask your significant other for a foot massage, you can tell them, “It’s purely medicinal” and keep a straight face. adam jones – adam jones

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