For music industry mogul Jason Geter, playing the hand he’s been dealt in the record business involves great skill and responsibility. Aside from the fact that his top artist, T.I., found himself entangled in legal problems which include federal gun charges, Geter is dealing with the industry-wide decline in record sales, which is largely due to illegal downloads. Nonetheless, he’s optimistic and has kept an open-mind.
“The music that’s being put out has to catch up with the technology,” counsels Geter. “I don’t think that the music is really at a minimum, but that the cash register is just … off balance. People still listen to music everyday and people still dance to records; there’s not really much change. It’s just business- wise, they haven’t really figured out how to restructure and catch up to the year 2008.”
With rap music often being depicted as the root cause of societal problems, Geter believes that frequently the burden weighs too heavily on the shoulders of artists who are charged with responsibility for the messages on the air-waves.
“Before you look at somebody as an artist, you have to look at them as a person,” he says. “You’re responsible in a sense. But at the same time, it’s unfair to make someone solely responsible.” –jason thompson and roz edward