keith corbett – the tools for maintaining homeownership

keith corbett - the tools for maintaining homeownership
photo by steed media service

Executive Vice President, Center For Responsible Lending

The Center for Responsible Lending is a
nonprofit, nonpartisan research and policy organization dedicated to
protecting homeownership and family wealth by working to eliminate
abusive lending practices.

The Center for Responsible Lending
is oftentimes homeowners’ greatest asset in avoiding the pitfalls that
have led to America’s current housing crisis. As executive vice
president, Keith Corbett wants homeowners to understand the truth
behind the current crisis. “It was not your fault,” he says directly.
“You were actually steered into these products [and] these different
complicated agreements because of greed.”

A committed voice for the people and an indelible part of the Center’s
approach to change, Corbett is dedicated to spreading the word and
helping people get back on their feet through motivation and
information. “We publish information [and] speak on panels,” he
explains. “We [also] work in states to help eradicate bad laws and pass
good laws; and we partner with all of the consumer groups … my
emphasis particularly [is] the civil rights groups.”

For Corbett, there is no greater joy than helping a family avoid
foreclosure, or helping a homeowner find their way out of a difficult
situation. “Working in this field, you start off your day with one
plan, and then you get a call,” he says, chuckling. “Every day you wake
up and say, ‘Who am I going to be able to help today?’ ” And for
Corbett, there is no greater joy than discovering the answer to that
question. — todd williams

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