STOP WAITING! 4 Reasons To Do Your Taxes NOW

STOP WAITING! 4 Reasons To Do Your Taxes NOWphoto by steed media service

It’s getting closer and closer to the time of year that many Americans dread: tax season. April 15th is almost here, but too many of us procrastinate when it comes to getting our taxes prepared. You don’t want to be caught scrambling as the deadline draws near, and there are a myriad of reasons for African Americans who have not filed yet to get those tax forms completed and submitted.

1. One less thing to worry about
With so many things on everyone’s plate, why do you need to have one extra priority hanging over your head in the coming weeks?

2. Fewer mistakes
Doing your taxes at the last minute almost always leads to mistakes – costly mistakes that can be avoided. Give yourself enough time to give your taxes a proper run-through.

3. Refund
You may have a little bit of money coming back to you. And who couldn’t use that nowadays?

4. The stress of April 15th
You can beat the lines and the headaches and the stomach-churning tension of trying to get everything done at the last minute.

Here are some options for getting your taxes prepared:

Paid Professional Preparers:
Many people utilize the services of tax/finance companies. The positive is that they offer a variety of tax-related services, and if you’re receiving a refund you can opt for a rapid refund and direct deposit. The negative is that the fees are hefty if you’re in a hurry to get your money back.

Tax Software:
Usually, personal software designed to help you file your taxes is convenient and fairly easy to use. But, if you’re unfamiliar with using the software it could lead ton mistakes that will cost you. Be sure the software that you’re using is licensed.

Friends/Family Who Are Licensed:
You eliminate time and hassle issues if you have loved ones who have experience preparing taxes. But again, be very aware of their level of experience, because mistakes can lead to future problems like audits.

So there really is no excuse for not doing your taxes prior to the deadline. Relieve some stress, and move on to other priorities. –todd williams

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