Monteil Nottage, Executive Director, YMCA

Monteil Nottage, Executive Director, YMCA

The Young Men’s Christian Association is an ever evolving organization, but it’s overall objectives remain surprisingly consistent — the promotion of healthy living and wholesome lifestyles. “One of the great things about the YMCA is that we try to develop programs that meet the community needs. … I’m really excited to say that the comprehensive programs that we offer … literally work with individuals from the cradle to the grave,” says Monteil Nottage, executive director at the The Villages at Carver YMCA in Atlanta.

YMCA’s are experiencing a resurgence in popularity as an affordable and convenient outlet for family activities and well being programs. “Oftentimes … when we become adults we are so caught up in the day-to-day — we’re paying bills, we’re running behind our children and we’re just trying to make it to the end of the day. … A lot of times we don’t take care of ourselves until to it’s late and a doctor is referring us to the Y because of some kind of ailment like diabetes or a light stroke,” explains the Brooklyn-born Spelman graduate.

Along with the attractive buffet of services that the Carver YMCA branch currently provides, the group also collaborates with other service organizations like the Little League Urban Initiative. Nottage explains that the program services 620 children. “We play under the little league Urban Initiative with MLB as well as the Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities initiative. We have a support program that will help them move to the competitive level. Our job at the Y is to try and expose children and families to [wholesome activities].”

In addition, the Y’s 4Me program exposes young people to media careers “We have kids … work with people from the music industry … to learn what it takes to get in to to the industry and what it takes to stay,” beams Nottage.

“YMCA membership acceptance is simple and sliding scale scholarships are available. “Our mission is always to serve,” concludes Nottage. –roz edward

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