Raheem DeVaugh’s New Disc Offers Fans ‘Emotional Stimulus’
He’s no President Barack Obama, but Grammy-nominated crooner Raheem DeVaughn has developed his own stimulus package.
In an effort to help his fans battle the current recession, DeVaughn dropped a free CD titled, Art of Noise. The 15-track disc features all unreleased material by the self-proclaimed “R&B hippie,” is being brought to listeners through DeVaughn’s new label venture, 368 Music Group.
“These are difficult times we are living in and everyone is affected, directly or indirectly,” DeVaughn said of the inspiration for Art of Noise. “We all know someone [who] has lost a job, a house, or [is] simply struggling just to make ends meet. If we all do a little, no one has to do a lot.”
Art of Noise is the precursor to DeVaughn’s third album, The Love and War MasterPeace, due out later this year. Citing President Obama’s Inauguration address where he made a call for the, “ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart,” DeVaughn’s says he feels the country’s pain and what’s to show that he has the people at heart.
“This current climate that we live in affects me, too,” he said. “If my fans lose their jobs and their homes, and can’t put food on the table, they definitely cannot buy my music. … I want to show love to my fans by giving them the Raheem DeVaughn music that they want.” –gavin philip godfrey