With high-tech gadgets and fancy gizmos fighting for space on shelves in electronic stores, it becomes increasingly harder for the Average Joe to keep up with the Joneses. Keeping your budget in mind, rolling out compiled a list of alternatives to cracking open the piggy bank in your effort to stay current.
Buy a less expensive media player.
For as little as $30, you can cop a small but capable MP3 player. While cheaper players may not come with all of the perks of wireless Internet, built-in YouTube and downloadable applications, the basic function of storing music is all the same.
Where to buy: Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City
Cost: $30 up to $500
Consider a flash drive.
No, they aren’t as eye-catching or as sleek as many media players but they get the job done, at a fraction of the cost. And they are more practical. Along with storing up to 32GB of music memory, flash drives come complete with a USB to plug straight into your computer. And you can transfer almost any file, including Word, Adobe and PowerPoint. Most popular brands are Sony Walkman, RCA, SanDisk and Coby.
Where to buy: Best Buy, Circuit City, Big Lots
Cost: range from $9.96 to $59
Play music from your cell phone.
Most phones including Blackberry, iPhone and Helio Ocean come with music-playing capabilities. Verizon offers an array of cell phones by Samsung, Motorola, LG and Juke lines that come complete with V CAST Music capabilities where music can be downloaded via Rhapsody. Metro PCS phones like Samsung Messenger and Motorokr are also cost effective devices with MP3 player capabilities.
Where to buy: Verizon store, Metro PCS
Cost: Verizon Juke lines are free with two-year contract and range up to $249
Surf Craigslist and eBay for great deals.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. As others upgrade their media players or come into dire financial straits, you may be able to buy a fully functional player for a fraction of their cost.
Everyone wants to remain on the forefront of technology, but very few of us have pockets deep enough to drop those 400 hard-earned bucks on that 32GB iPod Touch that you so desire. Luckily for all of us, there are alternatives. —cw