Sometimes we lose track of time, we slip into places where we move
backward instead of forward. We erase reality. We become an imposition
on others. The girth has expanded and the dress size has changed. We
squeeze our egos, our images and our lives into yesterday’s clothing.
We’re like meat in a cooler, dated and past the sell date.
Yet, we sell ourselves on the fact that our attitude towards life is
good. And yet our children are adults now and they see no reflection of
themselves in us. As a matter of fact, it might be nightmarish for them
if they turned out like us. Many people are replicating bad models.
Some folks are putting on the addiction outfit, the rap sheet suit.
They are wrapping themselves in alcoholism and gluttony. For some,
family history is inescapable — momma was fat, daddy was fat,
grandfather died of diabetes complications. So they slide into the very
suit grandfather was buried in because he refused to change his diet or
Thanks to our egos, we are all desperately overweight. The ego
constantly dresses us in images that destroy the very fabric of our
ability to connect with people. Ego dislodges us, isolating us in
circles of self-obsession. Ego encourages us to believe the lies we
tell ourselves. We tell ourselves that we are OK. Yet, our pants no
longer button or we’ve added an additional digit to our dress size. Ego
says we’re OK. Yet, our closet says something different.
You don’t need to pad your ego. That’s as silly as padding extra
wide hips. Face it, your pants have split and everybody knows that
you’re unhappy. Yet you still think that you are walking around in high
style. That’s how out of sync your ego is with reality. It’s time to
gut-check the ego and stop wearing outdated suits. Shed that gigantic
ego and try on a new suit of armor, one that features kindness, love
and grace. You look better already. Peace.
Munson Steed
[email protected]