Fans of the Devil May Cry franchise are going to be pleasantly surprised once they start playing the newest entry, Devil May Cry 4. DMC 4 is sort of an artful blending of old school meets new school. Sporting one of the deepest combo systems in videogame history, DMC 4 is one of the best hack and slash action games around. Fighting is fast and aggressive. New character addition, Nero, can string together some of the nastiest, meanest looking combos ever unleashed in a DMC game. Not to be outdone, Dante has the ability to change styles and weapons on the fly. For newbies, creating mayhem is a snap, thanks to the automatic combo system which allows them to jump right in and start slicing and dicing up demons. As always, the story line in DMC 4 is pretty good, with the aid of some excellent voice-over work. But as with most games of this type, it’s the fighting that sells the show and it’s here that DMC 4 excels. With a video output of 720p, this is the best looking game of the franchise, easily making DMC 4 a must-have for die-hard action fans. –dark abyss