The original “We Are the World” song, performed by a one-time organization of musical superstars called USA for Africa, raised tens of millions for famine relief in Africa, particularly for the nation of Ethiopia.
The harrowing images of bloated bellies, pervasive hunger and flies scurrying unobstructed along the face and eyes of throngs of infants proved a powerful force that tugged at the hearts of millions of Americans, including three dozen music superstars in 1985.
In the 25 years since its release, USA for Africa’s “We Are the World” single has raised over $63 million. But there’s a feeling that USA for Africa could have raised much more if there had not been a sliver of doubt about how the money was appropriated and just how much of a percentage of the raised funds would actually go towards the eradication of famine in African and the world.
Two important events probably have made givers and philanthropists even more wary of giving, or have prevented them from giving more. Haiti has a long history of being under the thumb of corrupt dictators that pillaged the nation’s extremely limited resources for their own personal use. Already, there are reports of lawless gangs, who escaped from prison during the earthquake, using the imported food and resources to carve out criminal empires at the expense of the millions who need it.
Secondly, released a report to the media accusing beloved musician and high-profile activist Wyclef Jean of misappropriating the funds funneled into his nonprofit foundation for dubious activities. CNN subsequently conducted its own report and vindicated Wyclef of any wrongdoing, but his exoneration received far less media attention than the accusations and the residual effects of the accusation remain.
Also, American citizens looked askance at the revelation during Hurricane Katrina that the CEO of the Red Cross makes over a million dollars a year. The economy was already in a downward spiral in 2005 and doubtlessly contributed to the drying up of funds to nonprofit groups that ostensibly raise money for charity. So they were not thrilled to learn that the Red Cross CEO took so much right off the top, even though it is a federally subsidized group. In some people’s eyes, that made it worse because the Red Cross’ operations are funded through tax dollars.
Ninety percent of the money raised for USA for Africa was earmarked for African causes while the remaining 10 percent went to address domestic homeless and hunger problems so persistent in many large urban areas. Let’s hope that the percentages hold true in the case of “We Are the World 25 for Haiti.”
–terry shropshire