White House social secretary Desiree Rogers will step down next month. Rogers says she feels comfortable leaving because her principle goal — changing the White House into a more open “people’s house” — had largely been achieved, she tells the Chicago Sun-Times.
Rogers, hand selected by President Barack Obama, was under a great deal of pressure as a result of the president’s first state dinner, which was crashed by at least three uninvited guests. It was reported that she put more emphasis on being part of the festivities than she did on ensuring protocol was adhered to at the White House gate, putting the president at risk. Investigations are still underway in each of the cases.
“As we turn the corner on the first year, this is a good time for me to explore opportunities in the corporate world,” Rogers said. “When I took on this assignment, we talked about the importance of creating the people’s house. I think I completed that work.”
A graceful exit perhaps to cover up a little behind-the-scenes arm-twisting? –gerald radford