Trent Frank, Arizona Republican Say Blacks Better Off as Slaves

trent frank

Blacks, you don’t realize it, but you were better off as slaves; at least that’s what Arizona Republican, Trent Frank thinks.  

The GOP rep was asked by a conservative blogger about the role of race in the hyper-partisan, talk-radio-addled atmosphere in Washington, and he took the opportunity to say that he thinks African Americans had it pretty good while under the master’s care. Here’s an excerpt of the conversation:

Slavery “is a crushing mark on America’s soul,” the Arizonan tells Mike Stark. “And yet today, half of all black children are aborted. Half of all black children are aborted. Far more of the African American community is being devastated by the policies of today than were being devastated by the policies of slavery. And I think, ‘What does it take to get us to wake up?’ ”

Seems reminiscent of Barbara Bush’s ignorant statements during Hurricane Katrina regarding the “refugees” that were separated from their families and dispersed to other states: “What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them,” she spewed.  Wow.

Listen folks, Republicans, there are no points worthy of being made by validating suffering and plight of any race — none. There are many other ways to get a point across other than making statements for shock value in the name of compassion that do nothing more than inflame. Frank’s statement was meant to emphasize the problem of abortion in general, which he’s against due to his political and moral standing, but he used blacks as scapegoats to try to convey that. It’s extremely doubtful that he has some deep concern for black children, based on the fact that he could make such an insensitive, dehumanizing remark about the terrible time of slavery. So, bad move, Mr. Frank, very bad move.

This incident, along with the billboards plastered all around Atlanta on the subject, does, though, beg the question, “are black abortion rates really that high?” Something to look into.

gerald radford

Here’s the entire conversation:

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