Jermaine Jackson: ‘My Son Ordered the Stun Gun for Me!’ (video)

altLooks like Child Services is gonna have to double back to the Jackson estate, now to investigate Jermaine Jackson and his negligence.  He admits, in a sheepish tone, in an interview with a Dutch tv station (yes, Jermaine, we can still learn what you’re saying stateside) that his 13-year old son, Jaafar, purchased the stun gun for HIM.  What on earth?

Reports that little Blanket was tasered with the gun are being denied by Katherine Jackson, but the way the details are emerging, she’s losing her credibility fast. 

Watch Jermaine put his foot in his mouth here:

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Shouldn’t it be illegal for kids to purchase such items, online or otherwise?  Did Jermaine turn a blind eye to the incident just to get a jab in at his superstar, show stealing brother Michael, post mortem?   -gerald radford

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