‘It’s Me, Beyoncé!’ Singer Tells Label

BeyoncéIt appears that Sony is still trying to buck technology, even though their tactics in beating back the technological tsunami that’s been crippling them have already proven ineffective and detrimental to the record business. Their latest move involves their crown jewel, artist Beyoncé, and her YouTube content.

Beyoncé has her own YouTube channel, which — until recently — featured her own videos that she produced while under contract with Sony. Now, in an apparent piracy crackdown, the company has blocked her videos from being viewed. Visit her channel and you’re likely to be met with the message: “This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.”

OK … color me stupid, but if you can watch videos on television, which are made for promotional purposes, why on earth would you block the same vehicle from being viewed on a medium where millions upon millions spend their time? Just curious.

Apparently, this is the first time a label has blocked use by one of its own acts.

Not too sure what’s going on over there, but after the recent employee-layoff blood bath and now the silly shuttering of Bey’s content from her own site, it seems “the writing’s on the wall” is getting remixed. –gerald radford

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