A Message to Scorned Women: Chill Out

scorned womenI was about 12-years-old when I first heard a phrase that has followed me well into adulthood. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” At the time, I didn’t really know what it meant, but figured it was somehow being used to explain the actions of my then-girlfriend, who was trying to get her older brother to beat me up. (For the record, I didn’t kiss that other girl … she was just helping me get something off my lip.)

As I’ve grown older and wiser in the ways of love, I continue to encounter instances when scorned women seek to burn a path of vengeance that destroys everything in their path.  The more I witness it, the more it disturbs me. Why, you may ask? Well, most of that anger is misdirected, and the scorned women often lash out at people who don’t deserve it.

I’ll give you an example. I was recently sent a letter, which prompted me to write this article. In it, a scorned woman hacked into the e-mail of the guy that she was dating, only to discover that he was cheating.  She then goes on to expose the guy by sending a mass e-mail that included the names, along with indecent pictures of the “other women.”

Here’s the letter, and after reading it, I’ll then discuss why I find this type of behavior unacceptable.



So sad that so many women have to be brought together by a nasty ass man.  Well here it is-if you received this email, it is because you ARE f—— N**** Farmer, or more so-he is F—— over YOU!  I have looked in his email and found every last b—- that he has f—– or been in contact with since I met him back in February.  He is a filthy liar and I am here to expose him!

And not to mention there are pictures with each and every one of you dumb bitches.  Good for me I have never sent him any pictures of me, because he is a dumb clumsy mofo, and I would hate for my face to be in some of the pictures that you all have sent him.

For the record I met N**** in Charlotte.  He lives with his mom and always has to get a room or come to my house to f—.  Yes his d— is nice and FAT and LONG, but that is about as far as it goes. For the most part, I take his d— from the back because his ass always has me soaking wet from doing nothing when I am up under him.

Let’s see, what else… he comes off as being really nice, and acts like he is really into you. All of a sudden he is lost and not answering his phone for hours, sometimes days. And he will quickly say it died or he left it somewhere. He makes his trips out of town — to where I don’t know. Well, up until now I have put it together that it is Atl … home of the whores and the strippers.

Ladies and Gentleman (some of you I wasn’t too sure about), if you see your picture attached to this e-mail, sorry, but imagine how I felt when I found out about all of you b—–. Oh and I hope you are engaging in safe sex. I will be the first to admit I have had unprotected sex with N**** at least four times since we met. N****, keep it GANGSTA with us homey! LYING ASS F—!!!


At the conclusion of the letter, the scorned woman goes on to attach nude pictures of the other women, along with their email addresses and phone numbers. At that point, I had officially reached my tolerance level with scorned women.

Why? Because they take things too far, and show no mercy to the people they hurt along the way. There was no reason for her to embarrass those other women by posting their information. I’m sure they all thought this guy could be trusted as well … so why lash out at the people that were hurt just like you? It makes no sense.

Examples like this show why it’s always best to be slow to anger. Before you act on sheer emotion, first take a step back to logically process the information. After doing so, then consider the feelings of the innocent bystanders that may be affected by your actions. Who knows; if that one step would have been added to this situation, then things may have played out differently. But they weren’t, and the legend of the scorned woman continues to grow.

My message to the scorned women of America: chill out. There are better ways to cope with your hurt than to inflict your pain on the rest of the world. In the end, it only makes things worse. –dewayne rogers

**DeWayne Rogers is the author of The Fly Guy Chronicles: your in-depth guide to love, relationships and everything in between.

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