Black Republicans Blast Sarah Palin for her Defense of Dr. Laura’s Use of N-Word

Black Republicans Blast Sarah Palin for her Defense of Dr. Laura’s Use of N-WordEven African American Republicans and conservatives have come to view Sarah Palin the same way you do a neglected port-a-potty in the middle of August: she reeks something awful, is full of poison, and the intolerable stench refuses to go away.

Black Republicans have — using Palin’s venacular — “taken aim” and unloaded their verbal clips into the ditzy, dimwitted but sinister Palin for her defense of Dr. Laura Schlessinger and her use of the N-bomb. Palin is being sharply criticized for the manner in which she defended the radio show host, as well.

“Black Republicans are calling Palin’s response “ridiculous and indefensible,” according to the Daily Beast’s John Avlon, speculating that she may be “no longer fit to lead.”

“Sarah Palin’s post-VP nominee career has so far benefitted from bomb-throwing,” says Avlon. “The process follows a tight script—a crude, semi-calculated comment is shot into the middle of a political debate via Facebook or Twitter. It gains national attention. Liberals are outraged. Conservatives rush to her defense. Sarah Palin dominates a news cycle and becomes more beloved by her base. But by unnecessarily rushing to the defense of Dr. Laura Schlessinger after she dropped the N-bomb 11 times and told the caller “don’t marry outside of your race” — Sarah Palin might finally have gone too far and picked a fight she cannot win.”

Michel Faulkner, a former NFL player and minister who is looking to replace Charlie Rangel for a House seat in Harlem, has summed up Palin‘s tired act succinctly.

“Why Sarah Palin feels she needs to join in to Dr. Laura’s personal melt-down is beyond me. She’s sounding like she just likes to hear her own voice — and the voice that she has is no longer credible. It says that a leading voice among conservatives has joined the ranks of the entertainers, trying to shock us each day with more and more outlandish commentary — and at that moment that person is no longer fit to lead,” Faulkner said to the Daily Beast. “The constitutional stuff she’s saying doesn’t even make any sense,” Faulkner said. “She doesn’t know what real shackles are … But ‘don’t retreat, reload?’ Lady, are you kidding me? That is scary language in anyone’s terminology. Sarah Palin scares me,” added Faulkner.

Joe Hicks, who founded the “Minority Report” on to cater to minoroity Republicans, is equally mortified and repulsed by Palin.

“… Sarah Palin’s comments? Well, this is confusing stuff coming out of a woman who would have been the vice president if McCain had won. … Palin seems to be equally detached from the real world where people operate and where race is a really volatile topic.”

This would be an appopriate time to use ‘Palin-speak’ once again: if you live by the deer rifle, you will die by the deer rifle. –terry shropshire

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