Election 2010: Kerry Washington Endorses Kamala Harris, San Francisco’s Attorney General Hopeful

altHollywood’s popular nightclub, Wonderland, was filled with Kamala Harris’ supporters and local media on Tuesday, Sept. 28. Harris, whose recent re-election to her post as San Francisco’s district attorney didn’t come as a surprise because no had the moxie to run against her, is the favored candidate to take the reins as the first African American and female attorney general in California in the upcoming midterm election.

She’s been featured on “Oprah,” was a topic of discussion on “The Late Show with David Letterman,” and was hailed by the New York Times as “One of the 17 women most likely to become president of the United States.” She’s even been praised by first lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her commitment to justice.

Rolling out was invited to a fundraiser for her campaign, hosted by the Los Angeles Young Professionals for Kamala Harris and chaired by actress Kerry Washington.alt

Kamala Harris: I’m so happy to be here in my second home of Los Angeles. I want to recognize all the people who have helped me out because they have been doing their thing. We have been having a lot of fun and we have really been showing the whole state what a campaign can look like when people get together around a lot of common interests that range from what we do professionally, what we care about in terms of social justice policy, [and] what we care about in terms of smarter public policy, and what we enjoy doing in terms of partying.

Kerry Washington: There are three things that every person in here must do for the next 32 days. (1.) Donate, no matter what the amount. (2.) Get as many people as possible to support Kamala. (3.)  Get out there and vote!

Bradford Benham (president of the Howard University Alumni Club of LA and operations manager for “The Judge Mathis Show” and Mathis Productions): Not being as politically charged in the upcoming attorney general election, at most, this event for Kamala Harris is definitely an eye-opener for me. For the first time, I really get to listen to her and see the genuine passion and excitement she has for bettering this state. Every ideal and viewpoint, for which she stands, are key to taking California to the next level. She’s able to give me the faith and belief that she is undoubtedly the one person best-suited for this position.

Harris raised the felony conviction rate in San Francisco to 67 percent, the highest in over a decade. The Young Professionals proclaim that she is “the progressive, new generation of leadership that California needs.”  marqueta smith

The general election is Nov. 2, 2010.

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