Around the Web: Alicia Blogs Love; Jay-Z Squashes Rumors; Rihanna Opens Up; T.I.

alt Alicia Keys’ Baby Blog
Alicia Keys is enjoying every minute of being a new mother.  Mrs. Swizz Beatz gave birth almost three weeks ago to her son Egypt and has been nothing but smiles since. We have seen pictures of her and the baby in NYC along with her heartfelt tweets about the love for her new son and hubby.

Alicia Keys blogged “I Feel A Song Coming On,”  she said, along with the following, via

“Every moment is beautiful; delicious even! Every moment I’m learning and living in a way I never have before. Being present in a way I never have before. Existing in moments I never have before. Never have I felt so calm, so purposeful in taking the time to truly observe the world around me, to live in it fully and watch it, discuss it, and put time toward it. It feels really incredible — so peaceful, so complete and long overdue. I’m grown, I’m confident; I’m secure, and so blessed to be these things. I’m most enamored with anatomy at this point. The miracle of the human body. The ability to create all these small amazing machines of veins, capillaries, digestive systems, eyes, ears and noses. I can spend HOURS looking at one little EAR! Have u ever noticed how complex just an ear is? A tiny maze of art. It may sound silly but it’s so true. Or a heartbeat? Everyday we wake up and in some way, take for granted the fact that this beautiful pulsating organ in our body is the reason, and yet now that’s all I can think of … And breath; invisible as it may be, how necessary! Ain’t it true that things we really can’t see are of the greatest importance? I’ve never seen a more beautiful face in my LIFE! The most perfect eyes and beautiful nose, the sweetest lips and skin so soft and kissable! Never have I felt such disbelief, such awe, humility, godliness, such strength, power and possibility. I’ve never believed in greatness and the never ending Higher Power more than now! And I can’t believe he’s mine! Oooh! I feel a song coming on …”

altRihanna Covers the UK Edition of Marie Claire

Rihanna’s new pictures for the UK Issue of Marie Claire hit the Internet the other day along with excerpts from her personal interview with the magazine. She’s been gearing up for her new album, Loud, to drop and is now going around the nation doing book signings for her new photography book that recently hit the stands. Rihanna took time with Marie Claire to talk about “the night” that changed her life forever. Here are a few excerpts:

On how she felt after the assault incident:

God has a crazy way of working, and sometimes when stuff happens you feel like, “What did I do to deserve this?” Why was it backfiring on me?’

‘I was very lost. I have to say I felt really confused. I hate talking about it, but it was really crazy because I felt so out of touch with myself and when that happens, nothing you say or do feels like it’s you. You just lose touch [with] everything that you love and everything you would normally do; how you would dress or how you would say something. It just feels like it’s not coming from you. It’s just this one empty vase. I felt like an empty vessel.”

 On her turning point:

One day. I remember I was in New York at the Trump Hotel and I woke up and I just knew I was over it.’ ‘I needed that wake-up call in my life. I needed a turning point, and that’s what God was giving to me.”

On the scrutiny:
‘All this terrible stuff they say to you, it breaks you down, [But] once you’re back on your feet — if you ever make it back on your feet — that’s the ultimate achievement.’

On her new relationship and how she’s coping almost two years later:
I feel like I smile for real this time. The smiles come from inside, and it exudes in everything I do. People feel my energy is different. When I smile they can tell that it’s pure bliss and not just a cover up.’

This issue will be on stands just in time for the holidays.

altT.I Will Not Be Charged For Drug Arrest … What About Tiny?

T.I is now getting ready to enter another 11 months in jail after recently being found guilty of violating his probation. Fortunately, L.A County District Attorney has rejected T.I’s case from his felony drug arrest last month. They have decided to drop the charges since T.I has already been sentenced for violating his probation. But what does this mean for Tiny.  Are her charges dropped, too?  I understand it’s not her first drug related arrest, so it’ll be interesting to see what the outcome will be.

Russell Simmons Adds a New Reality to His Business Portfolio

Russell Simmons is a force in several areas of business, whether it involves music producing, creating debit cards, or ownership of his website To add to that, he’s now gearing up for his first reality show, “Running Russell,” which will premier onthe Oxygen channel. In a comment to Lee Hawkins from the Wall Street Journal he offered an interesting opinion on reality shows. “I found that reality shows are really good places to inspire people, uplift them, or give them good ideas.”  That’s debatable given all the duds and fame-eluded carnage from past shows, but we get the point.

Lebron James Celebrates ‘Hater Day’ on Twitter

Everyone knows that NBA star Lebron James has amassed his share of haters since leaving the Cavs — including a live hex casting session held on air recently. But he recently decided to thank his haters via twitter and announced an official “Hater Day.”  He tweeted, “Today is Hater Day. Everyone please let them get their 2 mins of fame and light! I Love You Haters. Continue to make me proud of u guys! LOL” After James received some nasty tweets from different ‘haters’ he continued to say, “You’re always going to have people who love you and who hate you, I have enough motivation but I can always use a little more.”  It’s great when we can make sport of those that attempt to keep us down.

Model Jessica White Arrested in NYC

Supermodel Jessica White was arrested outside of a Chelsea Nightclub in NYC for apparently beating up a woman who she got into an argument with while hailing a cab. According to reports, White yanked the woman by her hair and struck her in the face numerous times. White was later arrested and charged with misdemeanor and assault. Naomi Campbell appears to be becoming quite the role model.  

Jay-Z Speaks Out About Perpetually ‘Pregnant’ Beyoncé

Everyone was so excited to find out that Beyonce may have been pregnant — again. However, people quickly went from excited to duped when the rumor turned out to be false for the umpteenth time. Recently Jay-Z sat down with a reporter to set the rumors straight once again. He said to a reporter, “It’s not going to happen, I’m just shooting down the rumors before they start.” Mr. Carter even made a joke about the rumor; “they do that every slow news day. This is like the fifth time. I think we have five kids now.”  But wait … “it’s not going to happen…?”  Exactly what does that mean? –brittany johnson

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