Willow Smith Looking More and More Like a Star

Willow Smith Looking More and More Like a Star

I mean, sure, the impact of Willow Smith’s first single, “Whip My Hair,” was hard to deny, pushing some to immediately declare that the 10-year-old was a star before she had even released a video. But, here at ro, we reserved our judgment. Nevertheless, as time continues to progress, and Willow continues to make the media rounds while carrying herself with more poise than entertainers twice her age, it’s easy to see why Willow is on track to have a future brighter than the outfits at a Lady Gaga concert.

In a recent interview with W Magazine, Willow ran through her musical influences and bucked back at the insinuation that she gets free reign in her household. The answers carry a depth that’s well beyond the young star’s years, and signals that this kid may be in it for the long haul. Here are a few of the quotes that caught our eye. –djr

“Mommy and Daddy inspired me to be a performer. I get my flow from Daddy, my singing ability from Mommy, and the camera stuff from both. That’s just what happens when you hang out with the Smiths!”

 “I like the way Billy Idol sings … Mommy turned me on to him. And I like Lady Gaga’s songs.”

“I can’t do whatever I want. Mommy has to say it’s okay.”

 Let’s rewind, and take a look back at the video for Willow’s first single, “Whip My Hair.”

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