As the holiday season rapidly approaches and families and friends get ready to spend quality time with their loved ones, some people find time to give to the less fortunate. Atlanta Falcon Jonathan Babineaux’s desire to give back trumps almost everything he is doing outside of family and football. On Sunday, Nov. 7, 2010, the player gave a group of visually impaired and blind children from the Center for the Visually Impaired the opportunity to experience their first NFL game.
“We’d like to thank Jonathan for providing such a unique opportunity for our kids,” said Anisio Correia, VP of programs for the Center for the Visually Impaired.
Now Babineaux has taken on another issue plaguing our children: truancy.
To raise awareness of the truancy problem and help improve student attendance, Babineaux toured several schools in the Bankhead area of Atlanta on Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010, to speak with troubled and at-risk students about the importance of attending school.
Students from Washington High School, Boyd Academy and Best Academy were enlightened by the Pro Bowl nominee about the reality that less than 1 percent of aspiring players make it to the NFL, and why attending college is mandatory in order to get drafted by the NFL. The students had the opportunity in the small intimate setting to ask questions and get personal information from the shy and usually quiet captain of the Atlanta Falcons. Babineaux distributed signed Babineaux’s Unit T-shirts to students with the most improved attendance record, most improved behavior, as well as best all-around student, which was a very special surprise for the kids.
Babineaux has personally donated approximately $40,000 in prime level tickets and custom–made “Babineaux’s Unit” T-shirts to more than 42 Atlanta organizations. During the NFL pre-season, Babineaux treated foster parents and their foster children, the Disabled American Veterans of Georgia and current U.S. Army soldiers to football games.
In June, Babineaux co-hosted a free football camp with two other NFL players to give 300 kids the opportunity to learn skills from the pros.
When asked why he chose to get involved in this particular cause Jonathan stated, “I remember growing up and no one outside of my parents, teachers, and family were encouraging us to do well. I also would have loved to have had some of my childhood heroes come and give back a little. I’m doing it because no one else is and there is a great need for someone to care about these children.”
In partnership with the Truancy Intervention Project of Georgia, Jonathan declared November 23 as the “Stop Truancy Day” to encourage all students to go to school.
Though he may seem to be a big man on the playing field every Sunday with his team the Atlanta Falcons what is much bigger than his physique is his heart and his commitment to giving back to the community.
–christa e. jackson