So You Got Jokes — But Who Gets the Last Laugh?

So You Got Jokes — But Who Gets the Last Laugh?I happened to be chilling in Los Angeles the other day, and who was next to me having a hamburger his way — Jay Leno. Who would have ever thought he’d have his own show? The idea of hanging out with Jay Leno for so long, and seeing the people who were there, he is the collector of exotic luxury cars, some of which are very rare. He drove up and the clamor began, even though in reality he is just a man. I asked him to take a photo and he replied “Sure,” after taking a bite out of his burger du jour. But the joke is on us and the billboards you see each day, that promote the comedians who are able to say things about the African Americans in a particular way. But Jay is paving the way by not discriminating in his humor — everyone is fair game and subject to rumor. The fact is that he is challenging his peers and viewers to show respect for cultures and society, and to do what is right. Fight and deal with the issues that affect most of us, both black and white.
His monologues and the guests that take a seat on his famous couch, listen intently for fear he might pounce. From Tiger Woods to Kobe Bryant to President Obama himself, they engage in banter and rhetoric, I’ve watched the comedy myself. But the laughter comes to an end when we examine these disturbing trends:
Joke 1 – Who in their right mind would rent furniture  day-by-day and pay exorbitant rates like interest at 24 percent while keeping the vultures at bay? The joke is on us when we choose to be financially irresponsible you see, don’t shoot the messenger or boo the comedian for making light of a foolish or ignorant plight. Paying three to four times what a TV is worth, is food for folly, pity and mirth. Any people that are simple enough to rent stereos and jewelry to impress and swoon are really misguided and ridiculous and buffoons. The appearance of having more is the wrong message to send to children that are poor.
Joke 2 – The person who takes the job of renting furniture and appliances to the downtrodden, and then has to repossess when the payments forgotten. It may not seem like much to do, but why take the job of ripping off people who look like you?

Joke 3 – Why do we point the finger at others for bringing hardship and pain, when we fear each other and from violence we have been unable to refrain.
Look at crimes against youth in Chicago, and those whose first instinct is to point and shoot, who live like animals and think like brutes. Every night some ridiculous fight.
Joke 4 – Why is the dope man still selling at all —  especially to people who can’t afford anything, no matter how small. Why are we singing the dope man’s songs, and dancing about how happy we are to pay? It’s nearly 2011, why do we still have it so wrong?
The joke is on us, but it’s not very funny when we think about what is up under our domes. When I think about Chuck D and what he had to say. What rappers do we have who are lifting brothers up, and why are we buying records from the corrupt? What is it you don’t get about not wearing your pants sagging down? Why waste the time, just turn it around.
But you can’t turn time back, and the history you make now is what they will track. We’ll have to look at ourselves in hindsight and and see ourselves in reverse, like this life is something you rehearse. But nobody is responsible for any of this dismal behavior and the atrocities that occur. It just the way it is and the circumstances are a blur. No the joke is on us, an entire race of people who miss the point and live the tragedy.
So while we listen to the misogyny, talk about sex and ignore HIV, just know that these jokes will leave you on the floor. No, we cover our eyes and bury our heads and play it off — until we are dead. And as those lyrics become more despicable each day, we wonder why are children say the things they say.
So if you pass along the ignorance, then you are guilty too.
It’s no joke, it’s sad when you throw away opportunity. It’s not a joke when the silence of apathy keeps you from voting or making a guarantee that you will continue the fight and exercise all of your rights.  It’s not a joke that we are not progressive, master thinkers or in the running for the Noble Prize.
We celebrate instead what is empty and vain, and anything that keeps you from using your brain.
Our laughable graduation rates from school are dwarfed by those in prison as a general rule. So maybe we should tell a joke or two, once we have earned degrees, become entrepreneurs and are major appointees. But let not the joke be who went to jail and how they sat by the door. Stop laughing at these jokes about our lack of progress and all of this dismay. Don’t let your life become a cliché.

Peace. –Munson Steed

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