Life is all about choices that will undoubtedly affect you and those closest to you. While we tend to believe it’s just about us, the laws of nature that suggest that your actions will either have a positive or negative effect of those in the vicinity while said actions are going down. But that science jargon aside, the first part of the argument does still apply though … only you will have to live with the decisions that you make.
It was that simple premise which anchored my beliefs once news began to spread that “Real Housewives of Atlanta” cast member Phaedra Parks was set to marry ex-con Apollo Nida. While some fans were very vocal in their displeasure about the pending nuptials, I stood fast in my belief. Ultimately, she and only she would have to live with that decision.
So kudos to Parks for having the proverbial “balls” to face criticism and marry the man of her professed dreams … good for her. In the end, her decision to marry Nida will either be viewed as that of a beautiful love story of redemption, or a colossal failure.
But isn’t that the premise of everyone’s love story?
Don’t we all enter into a relationship with a 50/50 chance that it may end up in wedded bliss, or on an episode of Oxygen’s “Snapped?” Isn’t that the risk that you take when you decide to walk down the aisle and say I do? Absolutely.
Now if she were my daughter, I’d probably have a few more questions to ask about his background — which I’m sure her close family and friends did countless times. But I’m not that circle; so I have no place to speak … neither do the fans of her show.
Instead of wishing her disastrous returns on her marriage, why not pray for her to accomplish something that no other cast member has seem to have mastered … staying married. –djr