New Year’s Resolution: Observe Kwanzaa Year-Round


Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Are you going to stick to it? The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa or Nguzo Saba (en-Goo-zoh SAH-bah) just may offer the answers to staying on the path. These seven principles should be incorporated into your lifestyles year-round to keep you more aligned to achieving your resolutions.

Let’s examine the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa and how they can assist with achieving your resolutions:

1. Umoja (oo-Mo-jah) – unity. No one can obtain success by himself. Thus, you will need a strong support group. Preferably one that has similar goals as you.

2. Kujichagulia (koo-jee-cha-goo-LEE-ah) – self-determination. You must be self-motivated and self-enlightened because no one will do it for you. You will encounter more people expecting you to fail than those cheering for you. Therefore, define yourself.

3. Ujima (oo-JEE-mah) – collective work and responsibility. Educate yourself on your goals. Use your knowledge as reference particularly when you have those days that challenge and seek to destroy your goals. Be accountable for your falls as well as your climbs to success. This will help you build a library of self-knowledge.

4. Ujamaa (oo-jah-MAH) – cooperative economics. Be sure that your economics are in order. Meaning, the production, distribution, and use of your achievements must be thoroughly arranged to budget and achieve maximum success. Once this is done, share your commitment and wealth.

5. Nia (Nee-ah) – purpose. When you know yourself, you know your purpose. It is then you will know the purpose of your goals. Please keep in mind; in order to know yourself, you must love yourself (from the inside to the outside).

6. Kuumba (Koo-OOM-bah) – creativity. Where there appears to be no way; make a way. Here, you acknowledge and follow of your intuitive side. Though you apply logic with Ujima and Ujamaa, you must balance them with your intuition; putting your drive and operation in a harmonic balance.

7. Imani (ee-MAH-nee) – faith. You must have faith in the energetic spirit that lies within you to accomplish your goals. No matter what obstacles you face, Imani will usher you through and sustain the other six principles. –steven kennebrew-turner

If you incorporate these seven principles in your lifestyle, you are more likely to stay on the path to achieving your resolutions and creating a better you. To learn more about Kwanzaa, please visit

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