Evangelist Yolanda Knight Has a New Fashion Line and Book Advocating Happiness and Celibacy

Evangelist Yolanda Knight Has a New Fashion Line and Book Advocating Happiness and CelibacyWhen Yolanda Knight, D.Min. found herself a new mom, who was trying to make a fresh start after a divorce, she buried her head, briefly. “When I got divorced, I was very ashamed of going through the divorce. I had a newborn, was called into the ministry, and I really was pondering how God was going to use somebody that had failed in marriage and, now, was living the single life.”

She doubted herself and did what so many of us find ourselves doing, questioning herself and playing the game of “What If.” “What if I fail?” and “What if I meet someone and can’t stay celibate?”

She has been divorced for 22 years now and has recovered gracefully.

The minister has written a book titled Saved, Single, Victorious & Waiting on God! and, last summer, launched her fashion line, Olu Femi.

“My book is about being saved and single — the journey that we take as Christians while trying to walk the straight path of being celibate, happy and fulfilled in a society that says marriage is where it’s at,” explains Knight.

As far as her fashion collection is concerned, she offers, “My designs are very Afrocentric. My son is half Nigerian, so I was really into the Nigerian culture and the tradition when I was bringing him up in our home. That’s where my designs come from, but they have a funky spin on them.” –yvette caslin

For more information on Dr. Yolanda Knight’s ministry, book and fashion line, visit her website dryolandaknight.com.

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