Music Review: Jennifer Hudson’s ‘I Remember Me’

Music Review: Jennifer Hudson's 'I Remember Me'Grammy-winning singer, Oscar-winning actress and “American Idol” standout Jennifer Hudson is back with another album that’s sure to increase her ever-growing fan base. If there was any worry that her pipes may have been altered by her incredibly smaller frame,  I Remember Me will surely put those fears to rest.

Right out the box, Hudson expresses how her love is unmatched in the mid-tempo track “No One Gonna Love You.” Accompanied by a very simple track consisting mainly of piano strokes, it works to push her powerful vocals and poignant lyrical content out front.

The album’s first single, “Where You At,” which has already gotten plenty of radio traction, is about a man who suddenly disappears after vowing to be the support system needed in any situation. If he’s smart, he’d be there for J. Hud.

On “I Remember Me,” the album’s title-track, Hudson explains how one may temporarily lose their grounding and forget themselves but then can regain “consciousness.” It’s almost as if you’re reintroducing you to yourself and all that makes you significant.  An appropriate inclusion considering all she’s gone through since the last album.

“Everybody Needs Love” is a feel-good, up-tempo track that will make even the biggest “wallflower” get on the dance floor.

The ballad “Still Here” is a heartfelt song about loved ones who may no longer be here physically but are still with us just as much in spirit. “You made me be more than I thought I could ever be” is a line that expresses the impact of the physically absent, speaking no doubt of her departed family members.

I Remember Me will most assuredly avoid the sophomore jinx. It’s an easy listen all the way through and her tried-and-true vocals bring each song home with passion and conviction. It’s been a long wait for this album, but turns out it was worth it. –juwon jackson

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