Video: New Trend? Late Night Girl Fights at Denny’s

Video: New Trend? Late Night Girl Fights at Denny'sIf the regularly posted videos hold true, Denny’s may need to hire tougher security for its female pancake-and-sausage lovers. For the third time in as many months, a Denny’s dining room brawl was captured on video and posted to YouTube. And there are a few similarities to note:
1. The brawlers are always groups of females.
2. The brawlers are always dressed to impress, even on the Halloween night fight.
3. Apparently, something as insignificant as a request for syrup can lead to the brawl.

So, what is going on here? Are these girl fights a ploy for groups of frienemies to skip on the bill? Or, is this just one video viral coincidence after another? You decide.

Let’s start with the fight that just leaked: “Big girls at Denny’s Fight Over Syrup”
YouTube poster Santampra Zeiros0 sets the scene:
“Apparently the fight started when one couple asked the other for some syrup, to which one of the [women] responded, “B*tch, your pancakes look fine.”

A few weeks before that, a Denny’s smackfest jumped off in North Hollywood.
YouTube poster Desmon Heck explained: “We were eating at Denny’s late Saturday night, and a bunch of drunk girls were talking smack to each other. Then they all started fighting.”
Here’s the North Hollywood Fight Footage.

And of course, YouTuber DBrewer kicked off the viral phenomenon with his leak of the now infamous Denny’s Halloween brawl.

So, what do you think is going on?

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