President and Mrs. Obama worshipped at D.C.’s Shiloh Baptist Church this Easter Sunday. Traditionally, we reserve our most delicate and fashionable attire to worship the glory of our Lord and Savior. Mrs. Obama and the girls, Malia and Sasha, dressed the part wearing soft pink, green and coral.
It was a perfectly gorgeous day as the first family enjoyed the sermon delivered by Rev. Dr. Wallace Charles Smith, the senior minister, who welcomed them saying to the congregation, “It probably has not been lost on you that we have some very special visitors this morning … so we welcome President Barack Obama, Michelle, Malia and Sasha.”
Smith told Obama that about two years ago the church had decided to pray for him and the first family. “So if you’re feeling blue and all of a sudden you feel a little better, that’s our prayers,” he reassures.
The sermon’s topic, “The Resurrection Changes Everything,” was drawn from the book of John, chapter 20. Smith referenced the passage about Mary Magdalene visiting Jesus’ tomb only to find it empty. She wept because she believed that someone has stolen the body. Jesus then greeted her and she realized it was him and said, “Rabboni, teacher.”
The first family departed just before noon and were greeted by a crowd of about 25 people, who gathered outside the church. One woman in a large white hat yelled to the motorcade, “Praise the Lord!” –yvette caslin