Sex Scene Ice Cream brings an edible element to foreplay; a loving couple can purchase the ice cream, flip the lid and follow the instructions: Open. Imitate. Eat. Repeat.
Irvin Smith, a trucker, and his wife of nine years, Latrice, (a college professor), invented the product. “The idea came about eight years ago, as we were thinking about a product for couples to enjoy themselves and to participate with,” Irvin explains.
Latrice adds, “We like going to the movies and ice cream, [and] our first date was at Baskin Robbins. And he said, you know, ‘I’ve been thinking about something, there’s no adult item with ice cream; we should do that. When you open up the lid, there’s a sexual position inside.’ ”
It was a rocky road from prototype to finished product, and it set the Smiths back thousands of dollars. To clarify, the couple do not make the ice cream, their business model is to make the sexy containers and fill them with an ice cream maker’s existing product.

“It was a very tiring process,” Latrice divulges. “I called over 75 different ice cream companies and heard the word, ‘no.’ Our attorney advised us to look for a small company, because those are the ones that are going to work with a small business. So one day we heard yes … and
I can pick up the phone and call the owner of the ice cream company, and say that we need this or that and it’s shipped the next day.”
The couple secured an Indiana firm to produce the recyclable plastic containers, and a Las Vegas company to produce the spicy illustrative tabs to fit under the container’s lid. Oh, and the two blush as they reveal the instructional positions originate from their own bedroom moves, “We’ve tried them out,” Latrice quips. “They’ve been tested and approved.”
In total, the Smiths spent about five years, and $10,000 (of their own money, no loans) to bring their product to market.
Twenty-six flavors later, Sex Scene Ice Cream is a hit at private parties and couples’ retreats. The product is also sold at the Sybaris in Frankfurt, Ill.; the Cat’s Meow Pamper Me Boutique and the Sanctuary relaxation spots in Chicago.
Sex Scene Ice Cream co-creator Latrice says, “We’ve always said that we put our three favorite things together, that’s sex, ice cream and the movies … and that’s Sex Scene Ice Cream.”