When it comes to mixing patterns, this season says it’s a go. Style mavens everywhere agree that this once-frowned-upon look has been revived and will have you standing out from the crowd, when done correctly, of course. Here are three fun and effortless ways to give this pattern-mixing craze a refreshing appeal. –mckenzie harris
Basic Rules:
-Start with two patterns
-Don’t overmix!
-Try a “hard and soft” blend (i.e. polka dots and stripes)
-Introduce a neutral piece into the mix
Stripes and florals
Keep your springtime floral’s fresh by combining them with a simple striped pattern. Introduce a neutral into your outfit, such a nude-colored belt or shoes just to keep your look from being too busy.

Polka dots and stripes
This look will give off a quirky, yet chic, vibe. The secret to achieving a successful juxtaposition of prints is to have one print smaller in scale than the other. If your look comes across as “too safe,” try throwing in a fun leopard belt to add a wild flare to your ensemble.

Patterns and more patterns
The most foolproof way to combine patterns is to choose them from the simple two-color variety. Make sure both patterns share at least one color and are different enough to appear deliberately clashy. Still not sure? Try breaking things up with a monotone belt.