Brother and sister Jay and Jaya Franklin have an affinity for art, literature, music, fashion and everything creative in between. They’re the founders of the online magazine, VisionaryArtistryMag.com, which showcases the best of creativity in an innovative and technologically advanced manner complemented by some intriguing storytelling. Here, the Franklins take us behind the scenes of their intellectually and visually stimulating endeavor.
Tell us about Visionary Artistry Magazine.
The Visionary Artistry Magazine is comprised of three elements: art, music and fashion. Art is the main artery of the VA lifestyle. We believe that VA Mag cannot be described without using the words: innovate, edgy and eclectic. It’s a premier social media vehicle that represents a powerful movement led by the aforementioned elements — when combined, a creative lifestyle is born. VA does not fit into one specific category because we represent a massive population of free thinkers, trendsetters and visionaries. VA is much more than an online magazine, it’s a way of life.
What is the purpose of the magazine?
It gives us life and provides us with a purpose. Every VA project derives from an artistic perspective. From the structure of the mag, to our superb feature stories that highlight the works of painters, graffiti artists, fashion designers, music producers, DJs, actors and directors, just to name a few. VA Mag takes the world on a journey into the lives of artisans from all over the world.
How do each of your contribute your talent?
Jay: I am the founder and creative director of VA Mag. I handle the visuals. This entails the overall look of the magazine and the direction that we would like to take, in reference to story ideas, branding and marketing the magazine. On the creative side, my job is to make the mag very diverse. The mag focuses on the artistry of our readers. The stories will always be compelling and well-written. We want the mag to be so transparent that anyone who accesses it can relate to what they read in some way shape or form. VA Mag bridges the gap between mainstream and underground from an artist’s perspective.
Jaya: I am the production director and editor of VA Mag. I am responsible for the editorial side of the magazine. As a team, Jay and I brainstorm story ideas for the mag that fit into the VA concept. We also work directly with 11 writers. They pitch story ideas for our weekly budget and they are assigned stories on deadline. Occasionally, I also write. In addition, as a team we identify newsworthy events to cover within the city that will make a good fit for our magazine.
What type of impact do you hope to have on your audience?
We hope that our readers will become enlightened and entertained after reading a VA Mag [feature article]. One story might cover a subject that the reader may not have been familiar with initially. But at the same time, another story may feature their favorite artist.
Who influences your creativity?
Everybody and everything. Our creativity is influenced by the world in which we live. We are inspired by the literature that we read, the music that we hear and our daily encounters with people of different backgrounds. We take these ideas and put them into VA Mag.
What is your educational background?
Jaya: I have a Bachelor of Arts degree from Clark Atlanta University. My background includes both print and broadcast. I have over 10 years of professional writing experience and I have held positions with Bloomberg News and the Atlanta Journal Constitution. I am also a member of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists (AABJ).
Jay: I have a bachelor’s degree from Tuskegee University in business administration and marketing. Art, music and fashion are my life.