Few occurrences in life challenge the value of unconditional love quite like a health crisis. Whether the situation is terminal, chronic or in the recuperation phase, the issue threatens to become a destructive burden for both the ill partner and caregiver in the relationship. Rolling out called upon author and relationship expert, Lorna O. to provide tips on maintaining and strengthening a relationship during a health challenge.
Knowledge is love power: The ill partner may be too emotionally distracted to focus on key medical information during doctor’s visits. Lorna O. recommends to demonstrate support by attending your partner’s medical appointments and asking relevant questions. “Being there and asking questions is saying you are invested in their well-being and you want to ensure that by getting all the facts.”
Don’t play the blame game: Negative emotions can be just as toxic to a person’s health as a physical ailment. “It’s absolutely critical that the spouse experiencing the health crisis not punish their loved ones by being mean. Everyone is in pain.” To address emotional issues Lorna O. recommends giving each other time to vent in a healthy manner. “Now is the time to talk about how the both of you feel; connect with one another; and allow the love to heal.”
We all need help: Life is already challenging without a health crisis, which is why both partners should not be afraid to seek help in coping with the daily stresses of managing a health condition. “This is not the time for pride, allow people inside. Joining a support group reminds you that you are not alone. Other group members may give advice on tools they have discovered to better deal with the condition or help you with the relationship.” According to Lorna O. church groups, friends, and/or family members may also be great sources of assistance.
Don’t forget sex and other fun stuff: One mistake couples often make is allowing the crisis to consume the entire relationship but as Lorna O. notes, you can’t forget to enjoy each other in sexual and creative ways. “Hug, kiss, touch, and if the doctor allows have sex. Do a creative project together like a scrapbook, puzzle, or writing a fun story. Plus taking time to pamper each other can only boost the feelings of confidence. During these times the illness doesn’t exist, and you can focus on each other.”