10 Takeaways from President Obama’s Speech to Chicago Gen44

10 Takeaways from President Obama's Speech to Chicago Gen44

President Barack Obama kicked off a whirlwind, one-day tour of campaign fundraising in his hometown of Chicago, with the goal of raising $2 million. There were three fundraisers in total, two took place at private homes where mingling with the president cost $7,500 to $35,800 per person.

Gen44, a national organization of politically active professionals under the age of 44, threw a lively fundraiserthat included a funky warm-up session by DJ Vince Adams, and mini-concert by R&B sensation Janelle Monae. Actor, author and activist Hill Harper hosted the event that took place at the UIC Forum and drew a crowd of approximately 500 people.

Harper did not hold his tongue about the seriousness of the upcoming election “In 2008 it was historical,” he said, “this time it’s personal.”

President Obama and Hill Harper attended Harvard Law School together, where, Obama quipped, “Hill went out and made something of himself.”

Here, then, are 10 other quotes that roused the crowd at the Gen44 event.

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