New Joe Paterno Scandal: Penn State Editor Steps Down

New Joe Paterno Scandal: Penn State Editor Steps Down

Just months after the Penn State sex abuse scandal cost him his job, now Joe Paterno 85, is embroiled in another controversy that should be as basic as black or white — or life or death — for that matter.

Act one: Saturday. Penn State editor Tweets that Joe Paterno has died after a battle with lung cancer.

Penn State’s Web publication, Onward State, tweeted that the beloved JoePa died Saturday night.

Act two: Saturday. Joe Paterno’s sons tweet that he is not dead. Onward State issued an apology from managing editor Devon Edwards and Edwards steps down.
Earlier this evening, Onward State reported that Joe Paterno had passed away. However, the mountain of evidence stacked opposite that report is too much to ignore. At this time, I would like to issue a retraction of our earlier tweets.

Editor’s apology:

I never, in a million years, would have thought that Onward State would be cited by the national media, and today, I sincerely wish it never had been. To all those who read and passed along our reports, I sincerely apologize for misleading you. To the Penn State community and to the Paterno family most of all, I could not be more sorry for the emotional anguish I am sure we caused. There are no excuses for what we did. We all make mistakes, but it’s impossible to brush off one of this magnitude. Right now, we deserve all of the criticism headed our way.

Act three: ABC News reports that Joe Paterno, is in fact, dead, and cites confirmation from JoePa’s family members.
“It is with great sadness that we announce that Joe Paterno passed away earlier today. His loss leaves a void in our lives that will never be filled,” Paterno’s family said in a statement.

May Joe Paterno rest in peace.

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