Zimmerman Shows Injuries In Newly Released Close-Up Photos
New evidence has been released in the Trayvon Martin case including a video of the teen at a convenience store and close-up shots of George Zimmerman after their reported scuffle. Florida authorities have released hundreds of pages of findings, including audio recordings and photos in connection with the prosecution of Zimmerman in the shooting death of the unarmed teen.
In the newly released documents, Sandford police recommended manslaughter charges for the 28-year-old that followed Martin and reported his “suspicious” behavior after returning from a 7-11 run for skittles and an Arizona iced tea. In one of the documents, police called Martin’s death “ultimately avoidable” if Zimmerman had remained in his car after alerting police to a suspicious person. Also noted was that the ‘frightened watchman’ called the police about suspicious people on Aug. 3, Aug. 4, and Oct. 6 of 2011, and Feb. 4. All the suspicious people were of course black males, according to the document.
Also released, more close-up photos of Zimmerman who reported fighting for his life after he was attacked by the 17-year-old. A paramedic’s report mentioned “bleeding tenderness to his nose, and a small laceration to the back of his head. All injuries have minor bleeding.” In the photos Zimmerman’s bloody head is once again shown and there is noticeable bruising on his nose. Not visible however are the two black eyes his family adamantly claimed he received at the hands of the teen. Another document quoted a witness who told police they saw Martin punching Zimmerman “MMA style” while he laid on the ground.
In addition to the witness statements, medical reports and photos, Sanford police have also released a conversation between Trayvon’s Martin father, Tracy, and investigator Chris Serino. In it Serino replays a 911 call that Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon’s mother, insisted picked up her son’s screams for help in the background. “I asked Mr. Martin if the voice calling for help was that of his son,” the officer wrote. “Mr. Martin, clearly emotionally impacted by the recording, quietly responded `no.’” Likewise, Zimmerman’s father told investigators that it was his son yelling for help, not Martin.
Along with the photographs and lengthy archives, video footage of Martin at a local 7-11 has been released. In it, we see the teen wearing a grey hoodie, pants and white sneakers buying his late night snack. While riffling through his pockets for cash, he makes casual conversation with the convenience store clerk and then leaves unknowingly to meet Zimmerman and his untimely demise.
Check out the Trayvon Martin video and more injury photos of George Zimmerman in the gallery below.-danielle canada