Wendy Williams Says Women Are Jealous of Her Surgery

Wendy Williams Says Women Are Jealous of Her Surgery

Williams Discusses Plastic Surgery

According to television personality Wendy Williams, women who criticize her surgically enhanced body are only one thing — jealous. The boisterous talk show host recently spoke out on plastic surgery and proclaimed that she’s proud of the augmentations she’s made to her figure. Furthermore Williams adds that the same people who speak negatively about procedures would gladly accept surgery if she put it on her dime. “If I said to that [jealous] person, ‘I got the doctor and I’m going to pay for it. Choose three things you want to do,’ believe me, they would get it done,’” Wendy told website XOJane.com.“They are very jealous and scared. Scared of what their other friends would say, or to break out of the box and be different.”

Wendy Williams Says Women Are Jealous of Her Surgery

Likening her trademark breast implants to “wheels on a tire” that need maintenance, Williams adds that the plastic surgery notion is looked down upon in the Black community, except of course when it comes to hair.

“Ugh, please. My people will not go for any kind of surgery. We are supposed to be natural. Ugh, whatever,” she said. “Some women prefer natural and then the other 50 percent prefer something fake going on,” she said. “Full-blown wigs are looked at as the worst, in terms of hair type faker. Getting pieces is the first line of acceptance. Then getting a full weave is a second line of acceptance.” And when asked about her history of over-sized wigs she added, “Big hair offsets my big body. The bigger the hair, the smaller the hips.”

Is Williams right to say that women are jealous of her surgery? Or in the age of butt injections and other common cosmetic practices is the negative light on plastic surgerybeginning to dim in the black community ?

Williams is not the first Black celeb to speak on their plastic body parts, check out other celebs who’ve confessed to surgery below. –danielle canada

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