Anguilla is the best kept secret of the Caribbean for a literary fan or aspiring writer who longs to be inspired and relax amidst the best island beaches as well as a foodie paradise. If you have read Waiting to Exhale by Terry McMillan, then you should know that one of the speakers and teachers at the Anguilla Literary Festival was Ms. McMillan imparting her wisdom about the creative journey and the real deal about publishing. If you have read any of actor Hill Harper’s New York Times bestseller books such as Letters to a Young Brother or The Wealth Cure, then you would be privy to the keys to success shared at the Anguilla fest.
The Anguilla Literary Festival has some the most powerful writers conducting seminars and leading think tank sessions to pull that next best seller out of an aspiring writers’ dreams and plant the thought seed in the fertile soil of reality. Paradise — as defined by the scenic shores of Anguilla — creates the perfect backdrop for this first time creative summit delivered in the opulent setting of the Paradise Cove Resort. McMillan shared insights on what drives her to write, thus inspiring others. “I write to explore the conditions of others to understand myself,” the award-winning author shares.
Anguilla is the inspiration for a New York Times best seller because it has what a writer needs. Peace that only God can give. Anguilla offers natural visual effects that are nothing short of breathtaking. From the balcony of the Ultimacy Villa, the lucky resident wakes up and writes with God present. The opportunity to ask how an aspiring novelist can get it done, is waiting on the sandy beaches of this secluded retreat. The professors of successful writing careers convened here to help cultivate new writers and encourage self-awareness. Writers such as Randall Robinson, Lasana Sekou and Sheryl Lee Ralph all share their precious gems of knowledge for success in a tough industry. But the key takeaway was from McMillan’s “Know Your Voice.”
Anguilla provides inspiration for the mind along with nourishment for the body with delectable foods from more than 100 small privately running restaurants that rival those of most major cities like New York and Miami.
If you enjoy any of the bestselling writers who have mastered their creative voices and created a best seller that has become a movie, the Anguilla Literary Festival has it all. Take the if out of your creative process and come to Anguilla to sample the inspiration that can be found during and after the Anguilla Literary Festival.
Anguilla’s beaches are world class and legendary as is the Anguilla Literary Festival. If you want a fairy tale wedding destination, it will become a cherished love story to get married in Anguilla. Write the most famous chapter of your life about the best island you have ever experienced. If peace and God are a part of your journey, Anguilla is it. Pen your best life in a real Caribbean paradise called Anguilla.