5 Reasons Grooms Get Cold Feet

5 Reasons Grooms Get Cold Feet
Runaway Groom Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin

Money.  We would hate to assume that Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin’s baby daddy was a gold-diggin,’ star-chasing player. But the fact remains, when Sarah Palin (Bristol’s mom) was riding the wave of popularity, fame, and brand endorsements, Johnston was marching to the altar. When Palin did not become the Vice President of the United States, Johnston left Bristol to spread eagle in Playboy.

When Palin became famous after the disastrous election, Johnston was back with Bristol, marching toward the altar. “It felt right, even though we don’t have the approval of our parents,” Bristol, 19 at the time, told US Weekly in an interview.

Sarah Palin lost her star power, Johnston wrote a book, and three weeks later, Johnston and Bristol were no longer an item.

“I got played,” Bristol told People magazine.  Well, Levi Johnston is reportedly broke and living at home with his mom these days.

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