Black High School Guidance Counselor Fired Over Photos:

New Black High School Guidance Counselor Fired Over Photos:York City High School Counselor Fired for Racy Photos

It’s pre-Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr — seems like light years ago — and Tiffany Webb is working as a model, not quite sure how she plans to spend the rest of her life. So, she takes some photos to earn a little extra money. Bikini-clad, the svelte teen is only wearing lingerie.

Today, a professional in the New York City Schools system, Tiffany Webb, 37, is battling to restore her employment as a high school guidance counselor at Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers in Manhattan. It’s a job she “enjoyed” and “did well.”

Why is she being punished? The Internet is unforgiving. Webb was fired because a student found the photos online and shared his discovery. Webb, who disclosed information to the New York Department of Education upon her hiring, says the photos keep appearing on websites like ‘Mo Girls Entertainment’ and ‘Showgirlz Exclusive,’ heavily edited and despite her efforts to have them removed.

She’s been investigated twice for the photos and both times, her name was cleared by the review panel because she is a highly-respected counselor. It was almost time for her to gain tenure last December when she received a pink slip and lost her $84,000-a-year job. She’s suing the New York Department of Education for wrongful termination, sex discrimination and violation of First Amendment rights. –yvette caslin

Check out the photos in question by clicking continue.

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